GitLab CI vs Travis CI vs CircleCI

July 19, 2022

GitLab CI vs Travis CI vs CircleCI

Managing continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines is not an easy task for developers. One of the most important decisions is to choose the right CI tool for the job. In this blog post, we will compare three of the most popular CI tools: GitLab CI, Travis CI, and CircleCI.

Ease of use

When it comes to ease of use, GitLab CI is the clear winner. GitLab CI is built-in and tightly integrated with GitLab, and it's easy to configure and get started with. Travis CI comes in a close second with an intuitive web interface and easy configuration. CircleCI comes third with a relatively steep learning curve, but once you learn how to configure it, it's easy to use.

Build Time

When it comes to build time, CircleCI is the fastest. CircleCI can run parallel tests quickly, thanks to its advanced caching and containerisation features. Travis CI comes in second place, and GitLab CI is the slowest of the three. However, it's worth noting that GitLab CI has been making significant improvements to improve build times in recent updates.


Travis CI is the most flexible of the three tools, as it can be used with a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. CircleCI comes in second place with a broader range of supported languages and frameworks than GitLab CI, which is the least flexible of the three tools.


All three tools have a free plan for open-source projects, but when it comes to pricing, GitLab CI is the most affordable option. GitLab CI provides a wider range of pricing options, including a per-minute pricing model, which makes it the most cost-efficient option. Travis CI and CircleCI have almost similar pricing structures, which are higher than GitLab CI.

Integration and Ecosystem

GitLab CI provides a more comprehensive ecosystem as it's integrated with GitLab, which is a complete DevOps platform with features such as source code management, issue tracking, and a built-in container registry. Travis CI and CircleCI both have integrations with third-party tools, but they don't offer the same level of end-to-end DevOps platform as GitLab.


In conclusion, all three CI tools have their strengths and weaknesses. GitLab CI is the easiest to use and the most affordable option. Travis CI is the most flexible tool that works well with a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. CircleCI is the fastest and best for large-scale projects that require parallelism.

At the end of the day, it comes down to your team's specific needs and requirements. Before deciding on a CI tool, it's essential to evaluate your project's requirements, future scaling, and your team's expertise.


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